〈コラム〉Dr. Clara Lee「歯のおはなし」53回


Dear Sencha, I Love You!


Valentine’s Day is February 14th and it’s the day for giving and receiving love. For me, this article is about my love for sencha! Yes, brewed green tea!
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In the summers, I like my iced coffee but for winters, I love a cup of hot green tea! I’ve always known about the health benefits of green tea and there have been a lot of articles written about it especially recently. Green tea can be enjoyed unsweetened, hot or cold. It has a light flavor and a relatively small amount of caffeine. Green tea contains one of the highest amounts of antioxidants of any tea. It has also been linked to possibly protecting the body from certain cancers and has also been associated with decreasing heart disease. Keep in mind that all these studies are with brewed green tea leaves, not so much with green tea powder (matcha) and never with the sweetened, bottled green tea.
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From a dentist’s point of view, green tea will not stain your teeth and is healthy for you.  Recent studies suggest that green tea might actually kill oral cancer cells and boost healthy cells.  Your health is mostly related to family genetics and lifestyle so we cannot say for certain that green tea can prevent disease.  It certainly would be good to keep up with a healthy lifestyle including eating/ drinking healthy, regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding destructive habits such as smoking/ drinking alcohol.
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There needs to be more studies and research into the health benefits of sencha but so far, things are looking good!  Tips for increasing the health benefits of green tea leaves include using water at the correct temperature (no boiling water, please, it’s best between 160-170 degrees); adding lemon (the vitamin C makes the antioxidants easier to absorb); and don’t add milk (the dairy makes the antioxidants harder to absorb).  Sitting and drinking a cup of green tea naturally relaxes your body and gives you a break from a busy day.
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So as I sit here and type this article, I have my morning sencha in my cup that says “Mom” on it. I want to stay healthy for myself and for my family. As you’re reading this article during the month of February, the month of showing love, make yourself a cup of sencha also. Take a break, relax and know that you’re doing something good for someone you love…. Yourself!

〈Keyword〉saliva 唾液  dry mouth 口渇  radiation treatment 腐った

〈プロフィル〉Dr. Clara Lee ニューヨーク大学歯学部卒業。ニューヨーク大学ブルックデール病院でチーフレジデンス修了。13年以上に及ぶ臨床経験は一般歯科、コスメティック、インプラントを含む。インビザライン認定医。Waterside Dental Care院長として古山医師と共に、多くの日本人患者さんを治療。Dentistryをこよなく愛している。記事提供:Waterside dental Care(Tel:212-683-6260)

