〈コラム〉Dr. Clara Lee「歯のおはなし」38回


What’s 2 + 2 + 2 ?


Every September, I look forward to two things: the weather getting cooler with the leaves turning their bright autumn colors, and visits to my office from the neighborhood school’s kindergarten classes.
The kids arrive looking really cute in their school uniforms and sit on my rug paying close attention. At first I thought it would probably be really boring for them but this was a special trip they had prepared for and they knew what I would be talking about. They had already learned about fluoride and teeth from their teachers.
To keep things interesting, I always start off with a math question. “What is 2 and 2 and 2?” I smile when they look confused.
“So what is 2 + 2 + 2 =”, I ask again. They are eager to show off their addition skills. Hands shoot up and I choose someone to answer. “Six!” a little boy shouts out confidently. “Wrong!” I tell him. He looks surprised. All the other hands go down slowly. I continue, “In a math class at school, 2 + 2 + 2 would equal 6. But in a dental office, it means something totally different! Now pay close attention, because there will be a quiz afterwards!”
1- Brush your teeth 2 times a day. Brush in the morning and before bedtime. Brushing in the morning gets rid of the bacteria that were growing in your mouth during the whole night. Yuck! Brushing at bedtime cleans the food pieces out also.
2- Brush your teeth for 2 minutes each time. If you are using an electric toothbrush, most of them will stop after 2 minutes. If you are using a regular toothbrush, you will have to time it yourself. The 2 minutes will ensure that you are cleaning thoroughly and not rushing.
3- Have dental exams and cleanings 2 times a year. The dentist will take any necessary x-rays and check your teeth for cavities. She will also check if the adult teeth are coming in correctly and straight. It is best to get cavities filled right when they are discovered and not wait until something hurts!
The teacher and the class are always such a fun visit for me. I enjoy making learning interesting for them. Next time you’re in my office and I ask what’s 2 + 2 + 2, remember, it’s a trick question and if you have been reading these articles, you will know the correct answer!
〈Keyword〉Brush 磨く  adult teeth 永久歯  dental exams 歯科検診

【プロフィル】Dr. Clara Lee ニューヨーク大学歯学部卒業。ニューヨーク大学ブルックデール病院でチーフレジデンス修了。13年以上に及ぶ臨床経験は一般歯科、コスメティック、インプラントを含む。インビザライン認定医。Waterside Dental Care院長として古山医師と共に、多くの日本人患者さんを治療。Dentistryをこよなく愛している。記事提供:Waterside dental Care(Tel:212-683-6260)

