〈コラム〉Dr. Clara Lee「歯のおはなし」41回


What Flavor Is Your Toothpaste?


I read an article today about Crest coming out with 3 new flavors of toothpastes this February. They are saying it will be a whole new world of deliciousness. The new flavors are: Mint Chocolate, Lime Spearmint and Vanilla Mint. How exciting! I know that in my family, my son will want to try the Mint Chocolate. My daughter will want to try the Lime Spearmint and myself… definitely Vanilla Mint! Yum!
aaaaaGrowing up, there weren’t a lot of different toothpaste flavors to choose from. It was either mint or cinnamon. And if kids complained about the taste, parents just told us, “Brush your teeth! No discussion!”
aaaaaBut sometimes, choices are a good thing and nowadays, there’s different kiddie toothpaste that come in all sorts of yummy flavors such as bubblegum or berry. It makes brushing kids teeth a fun and enjoyable experience. Kids can go shopping with Mom or Dad for their OWN toothpaste, choosing a flavor themselves. No more excuses for not liking to brush because of the strong adult taste of mint or cinnamon.
aaaaaReading about the different new flavors of toothpaste reminded me of a time when I was young. Our family had gone to Canada to visit relatives. We had forgotten to pack toothpaste but my mom said, “That’s OK, we’ll just use theirs”. In the evening, it was time to brush up and go to bed. My mom went to brush her teeth first. She came out of the bathroom and as I was going in, she said,”Don’t use the tube on the counter. It’s NOT toothpaste”. Turns out, it was green hair gel and she had used it in her mouth! Thank goodness she warned us!
aaaaaI did some research online and saw that there was also bacon flavored toothpaste and even cupcake flavored toothpaste! So take your pick. No matter which flavor you use, if it’s a flavor that you like, you’ll use it. Just make sure it has fluoride in it… and not hair gel!
flavor 風味

Dr. Clara Lee【プロフィル】Dr. Clara Lee ニューヨーク大学歯学部卒業。ニューヨーク大学ブルックデール病院でチーフレジデンス修了。13年以上に及ぶ臨床経験は一般歯科、コスメティック、インプラントを含む。インビザライン認定医。Waterside Dental Care院長として古山医師と共に、多くの日本人患者さんを治療。Dentistryをこよなく愛している。記事提供:Waterside dental Care(Tel:212-683-6260)

