〈コラム〉Dr. Clara Lee「歯のおはなし」43回


One Thing I’ve Learned From My Husband


My patients that come on a regular basis know that I often share fun stories about my family. While most of my stories and newspaper articles center on my 2 kids, once in a while, my husband is also the topic.
I’ve been married to my husband for 17 years but we’ve been best friends since high school. There’s a saying about people in your life.  Some are there to teach you, some are there to learn from you. They’re all there for reasons.  I’ve done some of my best learning by being around my husband. One of the best lessons is “Be more friendly and give the world your best smile.”
He is a super-friendly person. He loves to talk to people and engage them in conversation.  If we’re at a gas station, the whole family is in the car waiting for him. Where’s Daddy? He’s outside talking with someone. While at first I found myself impatiently waiting, I’ve come to realize that in life, it’s always best to get to know people around you.  And always, always, give them your best smile!
Spring is finally here in NYC and after a long, cold winter filled with grey skies and dirty snow, we’re all welcoming the warmer weather and colorful flowers. Time to put away those thick sweaters and boots and stop hiding under layers of clothing!
Spring is also when our office has a lot of new patients calling in for appointments.  Their friends and co-workers have been telling them about our office and now there are no more excuses for not coming in.  No more “It’s too cold” or “It gets too dark after work” or “I’ll just wait for next month”.
Patients usually set appointments for a dental cleaning and a checkup.  Nothing says welcome to warmer weather than a clean and healthy mouth.  There are also patients asking for ways to whiten their winter-dark teeth.  Patients are also asking about how to freshen their breath.  It makes me wonder… are dirty yellow teeth, bleeding gums, and bad breath OK in the winter?  I hope not!  It’s never a good idea anytime!
So the lesson I’ve picked up from my husband about being more smiley and friendly. If more and more people are smiley and friendly, especially in NYC, I think we’ll be on our way to achieving world peace. Join me and give the world your best smile this spring.  But do it with clean teeth, healthy gums and fresh breath!

〈Keyword〉checkup    健康診断  bad breath    口臭  bleeding gums    歯肉出血

〈プロフィル〉Dr. Clara Lee ニューヨーク大学歯学部卒業。ニューヨーク大学ブルックデール病院でチーフレジデンス修了。13年以上に及ぶ臨床経験は一般歯科、コスメティック、インプラントを含む。インビザライン認定医。Waterside Dental Care院長として古山医師と共に、多くの日本人患者さんを治療。Dentistryをこよなく愛している。記事提供:Waterside dental Care(Tel:212-683-6260)

